It's about time! That's what my husband loves to say. But he is the most patient man alive. Just imagine living with a not so patient wife who always seems to be in need of help and 3 kids to take care of and get out the door for any activity. The man is truly amazing. After months of thinking about capturing my wonderful life on camera and sharing it with my favorite people - here is my family's blog.
You will have to forgive me if the entries are infrequent - but our family motto "out living life" explains it all. I really wanted a picture of the 5 of us together, but I didn't have one on my work computer so this one of Brian and me ziplining will have to do for now. It captures the mood of our life and hopefully our blog perfectly. We look a little tore up at the end of the day, but the smiles on our faces always show we had fun (as the rednecks would say) "gettin' it done"
This is very cool. I look forward to visting your family blog on a regular basis.
Katie! It IS about time. I've been wondering when you'd finally succumb to the peer pressure!
No one has more fun than you and Brian. Can't wait to read about it.
i am so excited! and i love the first pic!
Yeah, I'm excited you finally joined the masses. Welcome to the blogging world.
Hip, hip hooray!
Now I'll know what's going on with you even though I'm so far away. You've motivated me to get a blog going too!
Mags - I can't wait!!! Most of my college friends have blogs and I'm hoping to start a trend with our PV girls. I'd love to get to see more pictures of your darling Carolina and new baby and you!
Hey you!
Happy Birthday! Hope you guys are enjoying the week and we will all expect bday pictures. You're the cutest, sweetest ever, you deserve it all! I will always love reading about all your happiness.
I'm trying to get Jenn to start one of these.
Katie!!! you are just tooo adorable and I'm sooo happy for you and your wonderful hubby and good family and you just look tooo cute in this picture. I only look at blogs about every three weeks or so, but I'll be sure to check out yours, cause you are wonderful and I love getting the feel of you.
Angie's mom
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