Last Christmas, Santa brought our house brand new stockings. They are awesome and huge, 3-4 ft long. Sadly, the biggest kid in the house must have made the naughty list, because he only got an empty stocking. Poor guy. Now finding stocking stuffers for kids is fun and kind of easy, but for an adult man, I'm having a tough time. Any good ideas? Remember Brian loves gadgets, extreme sports, flavorful food, and it's got to be semi-unique.
I'll be thinking! Sharper Image always has some good gadgets!
I LOVE stockings! My mom always finds the best stocking stuffers and stockings are one of our favorite parts of Christmas.
I'll try to remember some (although admittedly they're mostly girlie, sorry.)
Lip gloss
Cute note pads
Nail polish
Just about anything you can get from the beauty section at the drug store...tweezers and nail files in cute colors, fun fake eyeleashes, etc.
Cute wallet
Nose hair trimmers! (I think the boys got these one year)
Purse mirror
Fun tights
Fun socks
Little gadgets and doo-dads from the Container Store--my mom has found all sorts of stuff there, like key toppers and lint removers and handy stuff for guys.
Cheap'n trendy gloves or headbands from H&M or Urban
My sisters might think of some more. Hope that helps!
I remember your mom ALWAYS finding great stocking stuffers and holiday treats - but don't forget your dad and the treasures he finds for holidays! Does he still give you the great toys? Pam is my inspiration for wanting to put together and awesome stocking for Brian this year. I have about 5 things that are pretty sweet, But I need more. I'll post a photo after Christmas just in case B reads the blog. I highly doubt he even knows how to get to it anymore.
Growing up, the one thing we could enjoy on Christmas morning before our parents woke up and gave us the ok to open presents was our stockings. I agree with Lane that the best stocking stuffers are fun girly things. One thing we always got was those Life Savers christmas book thingys.
As for guy specific stuff, I don't have a lot of ideas. Fun candy, car wash certificates...Restoration Hardware always has fun, retro, gadgets. There's a solar powered hydrogen toy car that just came out that looks interesting if he's into science.
I picked up a bunch of gadgety stuff at Container Store for Corey. Stocking are the best part and we always save them for last!
Katie, Hammacher Schlemmer? You've probably already thought of that though. Cost Plus World Market has some interesting food/chocolates. Hmm...what else? I like to buy him one pair of Smartwool socks at REI--great for outdoorsy guys. My husband swears by them.
By the way, I saw your ditty in Real Simple. I was thrilled to see you! Great job!
Katie! I found your blog via Ann's. What a cute family you have!! Here's a thought for stocking stuffers...
Anything from Restoration Hardware - they have great, unique but useful gadgets.
I always buy Jeremy car wash tokens . They are on sale this time of year.
And, this year Jeremy made me a paperback book on mac.com with our 2007 photos in it. (He was so excited that he couldn't wait until Christmas to put it in my stocking.) Basically, you upload your photos into the layout and then they'll mail it to you. $17 including shipping and it arrived in 5 days. Just a fun, easy, unique idea!
Good luck!
Thank you everyone for the great ideas!!! I'm totally taking you up on your ideas. Now I just need time!
so neat to hear from you Lisa!!! So good to be back in touch!
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Good article. Thank you.
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