Thursday, February 19, 2009


So it's official. We are moving. We get the keys tomorrow. I am sooo excited! I la-la-love our new house, the neighborhood, the city-lights view, the bike ride to the club, the cute shopping center to do my grocery shopping, the trees, the plants, the peacfulness of it all. I can't wait. All I need is a Vespa, WWII safety goggles and helmet so me and my guy can cruise around sans-car. Anyone who knows me, knows driving solo on a scooter is nothing short of life-threating Dangerous, that's right a capital D.

Even more exciting - borrowing no catrastrophies and my life has been prone to them of late- this will be my first time living in one place for more than 2 years for the past 14 years (and that was only 1 spot - the beloved Rose House in P-town). I can't wait not to move again for at least 5 years!


angie said...

i'm a little afraid of the thought of you and a vespa...but a bit excited too!

The DuRochers said...

I have NO intention on driving it. I can handle sitting and holding on - that's it.

The Hemerick Family said...

So exciting! You sound so happy, you deserve it!

Lane said...

Hooray for the beloved Rose House! Remember when you and I tried riding a scooter at the Rauzons' house? We were scary!