Monday, March 7, 2011

Sydney - 8 months

Sydney at 8 Months - is my real wild child.

This post is long overdue. Hopefully I will get to her brother soon.

Sydney at 8 months:
- is tiny and mighty
- Sydney just passed up the 1% in weight and is "thriving" her way up to the 5% level.
- Whatever she lacks in size, she makes up for vocally. She can babble all day long, when in the mood. She has not yet discovered how nice it is to use her "inside voice". She definitely prefers the neighbors across the street to also hear what she has to say.
- She has become fearful of one thing - Deanie attacks. When little Dean is near, the yelling is not far off.
- She loves to fly - in daddy's arms, getting her own air in the jumper or activity center. The bigger the better - she is on the road to following in her dare-devil dad's footsteps.
- Until yesterday she had no need for tummy time - until Dean got praised for making small gains in crawling. Not to be left behind, she lunged off my lap, tummy to the floor and wanted to push off my hand to try to crawl. Then, also for the first time of her choice, practiced rolling over by grabbing a large toy from her back and pulling herself to her tummy. Who knew competition could begin this early. Syd finally decided it was time to step it up!
- Loves her Sophie the giraffe, paci, walks, sitting in the swing looking out into the front yard.
- Dislikes personal hygiene (baths, fingernail clippings, lotion). Definitely need to change this.
- This girl is as nosey as they come. She has to be involved and know what's going on at all times. This includes being a night owl, loving to mad-dog anyone in public, twirl around in the jumper to view where the action is.

-Syd has a natural mohawk. It just seems wrong to try to tame anything about her at this point, including her hair. If you try to rub it down, it just pops right back up. It just seems to be the right bow on top of this little package.

1 comment:

Ann said...

oh, katie! they both sound just wonderful! wish i could meet them. so glad you're enjoying being a mom!