Sometimes being a working mom is hard. I mean, I know that it is what my family needs from me, but still its hard. I am also incredibly blessed to have Sydney and Dean home everyday with loving hands, nana, nanny, and Lindy all shower them with love.
I started a new job 2 weeks ago and have some time on my hands throughout the day. I peruse mom blogs, get ideas of fun things to do with the twins or just gather ideas of how to be a better me (mom, daugher, and wife in no particular order).One of my favorite memories of growing up was seeing my dad walk through the door after work with his club bag. We had a tradition - I would rush to meet him at the door, forever hopeful there was a little treat inside the bag for me. Sometimes it might be a piece of Sees candy, other days a special folder or pencil from the office supply door. It didn't matter - I loved whatever goofy new thing he brought home for me. So carrying on the tradition, I love to scour the web, go to the Spectrum or to Target to find a new "thing" to bring home to the twins to show them I missed them and thought about them during my day away from home.
Yesterday - I discovered Stride Rite was having a buy one get on half off sale - every twin's mother's dream. So off we went to get our feet measured and buy our first pair of shoes.
Brown sandals for Dean's cute feet and pretty white sandals for little Sydney's feet.

Today - I hit the jackpot at Nordstroms baby section. Irvine Spectrum baby section is the best - and definitely a spot I need to visit with my wallet in the car. But today, I shopped and found.
Sidewalk chalk with plastic holders and 2 new board books. This one is my favorite and I can't wait to read it with them.